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Sitecore XP 9.1 Update 1 – Step by step Install Guide on your machine

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Update (23-Jul-2019): for Sitecore 9.2 Initial Release (aka 9.2.0) installation, please have a look at this post

This one is a summary of my own experience with the Sitecore Experience Platform 9.1 Update 1 (aka Sitecore XP 9.1.1) installation on my machine. I’ve had much experience with Sitecore XP 9.0 and Sitecore XP 9.1 installations, so I decided to go only with:

I do hope that this blog post is helpful for your own journey as well.

Note: personally, I wanted to use my own install directory rather than the default one

Setup Prerequisites

Step by step guide

  1. create a new folder D:\sc911_install
  2. install SOLR 7.2.1 if not yet
    • copy / paste install-solr.ps1 and helper.psm1 into D:\sc911_install
    • note 1: the original ones are from Sitecore.HabitatHome.Utilities
    • note 2: you may want to use your settings rather than default settings by opening install-solr.ps1 and editing the following ones:
    • string codes with red box
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • execute .\install-solr
  3. (optional) install Sitecore Install Framework(SIF) if not yet
    • if you have never installed Sitecore 9 before, you will probably want to execute Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted
    • Set-Execution Policy execution command
    • refer to 2.1 Installing the Installation Framework Module Using MyGet (Page 26) in Sitecore 9.1 Update 1 Installation Guide
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • use the following commands to install the latest version of SIF
      1. Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-powershell/api/v2
      2. Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework
  1. (optional)if you already installed previous SIF versions, you would have upgraded it to a new version 2.1.0
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • you should use the following command to get all the current SIF versions
      • Get-Module -Name SitecoreInstallFramework -ListAvailable
    • option 1: use the following command to update to the latest version of SIF
      • Update-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -force
    • option 2: use the following commands to remove the currents and then install the latest version of SIF
      • Uninstall-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -AllVersions
      • Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework
  1. enable Contained Database Authentication if not yet
  2. download and unzip Package for XP Single – On Premises Deployment (Note: must log into https://dev.sitecore.net/ before downloading)
    • copy / paste the following ones to D:\sc911_install
      1. Sitecore 9.1.1 rev. 002459 (OnPrem)_single.scwdp.zip
      2. Sitecore 9.1.1 rev. 002459 (OnPrem)_xp0xconnect.scwdp.zip
      3. IdentityServer 2.0.1 rev. 00166 (OnPrem)_identityserver.scwdp.zip
    • unzip XP0 Configuration files 9.1.1 rev. 002459.zip and copy / paste all files to D:\sc911_install
    • .json files list
  3. override sitecore-XP0.jsonxconnect-xp0.json + IdentityServer.json + XP0-SingleDeveloper.json in order to inject the custom install directory
  1. copy / paste your Sitecore licence file license.xml to D:\sc911_install
  2. (optional)if you have never installed Sitecore 9 before, you will probably want to install the prerequisites
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • execute Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path .\prerequisites.json
  3. download sc911_install.ps1 and copy / paste it to D:\sc911_install then open it to correct the following parameters:
    • (optional) $InstallDirectory (this one is to specify your own install directory)
      • Note: it’s “D:\websites\” by default, you should update it if the disk space is low
    • (optional) $Prefix
    • $SqlServer
    • $SqlAdminUser
    • $SqlAdminPassword
    • (optional)$SitecoreAdminPassword
      • Note: leave the example value “SIF-Default” unchanged, a random password is generated for you
  1. open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • (optional)if you have various SIF versions on your machine, you will probably have to run 2.1.0 version of SIF by executing Import-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -Force -RequiredVersion 2.1.0
    • import-module command_sc9.1
    • change directory to D:\sc911_install
    • execute .\sc911_install
    • windows powershell window_sc9.1
  2. hopefully there is nothing can stop the installation process and then note Sitecore Admin Password
    • sitecore admin password with boxed letter b_sc9.1
  3. open a browser:
  4. DO NOT forget to perform Post-Installation Steps

How to uninstall it?

Option 1: using the uninstall function of SIF

  • open D:\sc911_install\sc911_install.ps1 and uncomment the line 79 + comment out the line 76 then save it
  • comment out line 76_sc9.1
  • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
  • change directory to D:\sc911_install
  • execute .\sc911_install
  • sc911 install code_sc9.1

Option 2: using the custom script

  • download sc911_uninstall.ps1 and put it into D:\sc911_install then open it to correct 07 parameters below:
    1. $Prefix
    2. $InstallDirectory
    3. $SolrService
    4. $PathToSolr
    5. $SqlServer
    6. $SqlAccount
    7. $SqlPassword
  • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
  • change directory to D:\sc911_install
  • execute .\sc911_uninstall
  • sc911 uninstall execution command_sc9.1
  • hopefully, it runs well and cleans everything up

Got issues?

Please send your issues (with screenshots if possible) to [email protected] so that I have a chance to understand your problem and be able to suggest a solution.

Happy Sitecore Experience Platform 9.1 Update 1 Installation!

This article originally appears on Walking on clouds.

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